August 15, 2015

Praising Our Father with The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father,
Father in Heaven,
holy, holy, holy is Your Name.

Oh, how I want
Your Kingdom to come
and Your Will to be done
in my life, in my home,
in my church,
in The Church
on the earth
as it is in Heaven.

Thank You for giving us
Your Word each day –
our bread,
the Bread of Life.

And thank You
for giving us Your forgiveness
and helping us choose
to forgive others
for trespassing against us.

We thank and praise You, Lord,
that we can trust You
to never
lead us into temptation
but always
deliver us from evil
and all kinds of ills.

We praise You, praise You
for Your Kingdom life in us
and Your Holy Spirit power.

May all we are
and all we do
be for Your praise
and glory
forever and ever
in Jesus’ Name,

©2015, Mary Harwell Sayler


  1. Beautiful, Mary! Such a blessing to read this today.

    1. Your response is a blessing to me, Martha Jane. Thank you.

  2. Well done! Almost a meditation this way. . . . .

  3. I truly feel the blessings flowing from your words, Mary. Beautiful words to live by. Thank you.

    1. Thank, Nellie. That means a lot coming from a fellow poet. :)

  4. Dear Mary,
    What a beautiful interpretation of The Lord's Prayer! I am going to share this with my students at the jail who are always enchanted with your prayers! Blessings, Shari ;-0

    1. Thank you so much, Shari! I've been wanting to do a book of prayer-a-phrased prayers, and your note really encourages me! God bless.

  5. I love this, Mary! I prayed along as I read it aloud. My cats enjoyed it too...I think :)

  6. Thanks, Beckie. May you and your cats be blessed!

  7. A song of worship! Thank you, Mary, for sharing with us the whisper of God's love upon your life. Blessings as you bless others, Carol


In the Amen of Jesus

  2 Corinthians 1:20 – “In Christ, every promise of God finds its ‘Yes!’ And also through Him is our ‘Amen!’ for the glory of God through us...