March 17, 2012

God and Abraham have a candid conversation

“The word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, ‘Fear not, Abram. I AM your shield, and your reward shall be exceeding great.’

"And Abram said, ‘Lord GOD, what will You give me, seeing I have no child but my steward, Eliezer of Damascus? Since You have given me no seed, the person born in my house is my only heir.’

"And the word of the LORD came again, saying, ‘This shall not be your heir, but he who comes from your own loins shall be your heir.’ Then the LORD brought Abram outdoors and said, ‘Look toward heaven and count the stars if you can number them. That’s how many descendants you will have.’

"And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted this as righteousness. Then the LORD said, ‘I AM the LORD who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to inherit.’"
Genesis 15:1-7.

God talked with Abram and told him His plans, but even in a dream or vision, Abram would not have heard any of this unless he had listened. But he did listen, and immediately he heard the Lord soothe his fears then promise to protect and bless him, and Abram believed.

Abram also spoke candidly with God, making it as clear as the sky that all the money in the world would not matter to him if he did not have someone to pass it on to – an heir who could also enjoy the blessings.

God responded to this concern by taking Abram outside and pointing to the stars as the countless descendants Abraham would eventually have. Then the LORD reminded Abram how he had been guided out of his homeland into another land that God promised to give. When Abram wondered about this inheritance, which could only occur after his death, God responded with a covenant – a pledge, a pact, a contract, a treaty – sealed in blood.

Questions: Do my prayers include time to listen to God? Am I honest with the LORD about my worries, wants, and needs? Do I carry on candid conversations with God as my dearest, closest, and best friend?

Prayer: Oh, LORD, I want to hear You as clearly as Abraham did! Strengthen my faith. Help me to listen to Your voice, do as You ask, and accept all that You give me and my family for all times and in all places. Give me, too, the courage to fear not the gift of being your heir, your child.


© 2012, Mary Sayler


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