March 23, 2012

God calls Moses to answer the prayers of the people

Background: In Egypt the Hebrew people groaned to God, praying for a savior from slavery. They did not know that God had been preparing Moses for that job ever since his birth. But then, neither did Moses!

From the start, Moses knew the love of godly parents in a godly home. In early childhood, he learned how to get around the palace of his adoptive grandfather, Pharaoh. He learned of the important political and cultural events in Egypt and experienced the academic excellence available to him as the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter.

Moses had surely seen how leaders lead, too, and, during his years of exile, he learned, as a shepherd, how to get wayward, frightened sheep to follow him through the desert terrain. What more could he possibly need?


Moses did not yet know that, but God did, and God took the responsibility of responding to Moses before Moses even knew to call on God. Amazing! But that’s how it often works.

So how did God get Moses’ attention? God set fire to a bush that kept on burning without burning up!

It worked. Moses turned to look – really look. And then God spoke.

“From the middle of the burning bush, God called, ‘Moses, Moses.’

“And Moses said, ‘Here am I’,” Exodus 3:4.

Questions: When God spoke to Moses, what were the very first words? Have you ever had the impression that God was calling you for a particular task? In what way does it matter that the Almighty God personally knows your name?

Prayer: LORD God, Heavenly Father of all and Creator of every good thing in me, thank You for knowing my name and everything else about me. Thank You for getting my attention and reminding me to talk with You throughout the day and during the night. Help me, Lord, to listen, hear, and obey You in carrying out the good work to which You have called me in Your Holy Name.

© 2012, Mary Harwell Sayler, all rights reserved. If your church or Bible study group wants to use these articles as a study guide, just let everyone know where to find the blog. For articles on a variety of Bible topics, see Blogs by Mary.


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