December 22, 2012

Jesus’ word on the end times

Beloved, remember what our Lord
Jesus Christ told you about the end times
through His apostles?

Remember how you heard
that people will disregard God and yet
regard their own ungodly wants and worldly ways?

Lacking in God’s Spirit, those people will cause divisions,
but you, Beloved,
must build yourselves up
in most holy faith.

Pray in the Holy Spirit.

Uplift each other in the love of God.

Look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ,
leading you into an endless life
with no end time

And now, have mercy on those who waver.
Save others by snatching them from fiery
(thoughts, acts, decisions!)

To others still, give mercy but with fear, despising
even the clothes their bodies harmed by harmful choices.

And pray

to Him who is able to keep you from falling –

The One who makes you stand strong
and flawless
in the presence of His glory –

The One Who rejoices over you –

to the only God our Savior
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Give glory
to the majesty of God,
the power of God,
the authority of God –

all of which began before all Time
and is Now
and is Forever.

Poem prayer-a-phrase, Jude 1:17-25, ©2012 Mary Harwell Sayler



  1. Dear Mary, Thank you for sharing this prayer from Jude. Of late I have come across so many living in fear of the end of days because of the Mayan calendar; living without faith for their own outcome, regardless of this omen that consumed their lives; essentially "not living" at all but despairing for fear of the unknown. It occurs to me that a life without faith has absolutely no meaning, and that life without prayer is empty and without solace. I take refuge in your prayers, and I fear not the coming of days, whenever it shall pass, because I have faced death with a clear conscience and clean heart and have been blessed with another chance to continue an earthly existence. When the time comes to rise, I will go with joy. Until then I will celebrate each day. God bless you this holiday season, and thank you for being in my prayers. - Shari

  2. Thank you for your encouragement. I praise God for you all and for these biblical examples of prayer to guide our prayers, especially in such troubled and troubling times. May God bless you all and the coming year.


In the Amen of Jesus

  2 Corinthians 1:20 – “In Christ, every promise of God finds its ‘Yes!’ And also through Him is our ‘Amen!’ for the glory of God through us...