Showing posts with label Bible promise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible promise. Show all posts

May 3, 2022

Hope for godly nations

Leviticus 26:3-6, 11-12 – “If you faithfully follow and obey My instructions, I will give you seasonable rains, productive lands, and fruitful trees. Then you will have plenty to eat and will live in safety. I will dwell among you and will not turn away. I will walk with you and be your God.”


We want to follow You, Lord. We want to obey. We want to walk closer to You.

Thank You for letting us know what You want, so we don’t have to guess!  Please draw us into reading and remembering what the Bible says, so we can claim Your promises and take Your word to heart, soul, mind, and spirit.  

from the book Kneeling on the Promises of God

April 9, 2022

Agreeing with you and Jesus

Matthew 18:19-20 – Jesus promised, “If two of you agree on anything they ask, it shall be done for them by My Father in heaven. For wherever only two or three gather in My Name, I Am there in the midst of them.”

Lord, You’ve promised to be with us always, but are You also promising greater power and effectiveness in our prayers when we agree on what we’re asking?

Holy Scriptures often call us, not to sameness, but to unity, as One in You, which becomes a blessing to ourselves and an influence on the whole world. Is this promise meant to be an incentive for siblings in Christ to get along?

Lord, forgive us for our fault-finding, fear, and envy toward one another! Give us Your prayers to pray – for ourselves, one another, and the world – in unity with Your will, in the love and power of Your Name.

Mary Harwell Sayler from book, Kneeling on the Promises of God



March 24, 2022

God blesses us with His prayer, His Name

 Numbers 6:23-27 – “Bless My children. Tell them this:  'God blesses you and keeps you. The face of God shines upon you and is gracious to you. God looks upon you with peace.’  In this way, you will put My Name on My children, and I will bless them.”

We claim this blessing, Lord! Thank You for looking favorably upon us. Thank You for Your promise of grace and peace that give our faces such rest, such shine!

Praise You for receiving us and blessing us. Thank You for claiming us as Your children and giving us Your Family Name.

February 19, 2022

Praying Bible promises

[This following post prefaces the book, Kneeling on the Promises of God, which came together with God's guidance and help from the research capabilities found on Bible Gateway.]


As you have likely heard, the hymn “Standing on the Promises” encourages us to trust God and take Him at His word. But from the very beginning of time, the matter of believing God arose in the Garden of Eden with the doubt-producing question, “Does God really mean what He says?” That contagious thought gave mankind an excuse to disobey, and distrust gave birth to death!

Now, as then, wariness of God brings uncertainty and the ongoing scramble to find, “Who can I trust?” Sometimes we can’t even trust ourselves! So where do we turn? Do we place faith in money, power, politics, institutions, traditions, or trends?

The trouble with those options is that people change their minds. Money changes hands and value. Political leaders come and go. Institutions become something unlike their original selves, and trends are, well, trendy. Facts get disproven as new information comes to light. Even the ground beneath our feet trembles, and stars careen from the sky. Everything changes! But God does not change, and neither does God’s word.

Mysteriously and paradoxically, the Holy Spirit is invisible to us yet the most solid matter. So, too, are the promises God gives – promises so stabilizing, we can build our whole lives on them. Promises so truthful and trustworthy, they can become the basis of our most powerful prayers. But why should we believe those promises? Why should we place our faith in God?

According to the Bible, God is Love – forgiving, compassionate love that can always be trusted to do what’s best for us and our spiritual well-being. Nothing and no one is greater, kinder, holier, or more trustworthy than God.  Nothing and no one can offer us more power or purpose for our lives. Once we realize we can totally trust the Lord, we can build our marriages, families, churches, and occupations on the promises God gives.

We can build our prayer lives on those promises too. We can take God at His word, knowing He agrees with our prayer requests because He has already promised the very things we claim or ask Him to do. Therefore, to kneel on a promise God made means claiming that promise and praying it into our lives.

To put this belief into practice, you’ll find heartfelt, conversational prayers following each Bible promise – promises found in each translation but paraphrased here into everyday English. These prayers are to give you an idea of how you, too, might kneel on the promises in God’s Word.

The hope is that relevant prayers will also come to you as you meditate on the scripture verses, and write down your prayers, claiming God’s promises in the space provided on the lower part of each page. But before doing this:

Pre-pare with pre-prayer! 

Pray for the prayers to pray.

Regardless of our denominational affiliations or cultural backgrounds, let’s agree to stand on the promises of God throughout our lives and kneel on those promises as we claim God’s Word each day and night in prayer.

May God bless you and your prayer life in the Lord!

Mary Harwell Sayler

Kneeling on the Promises of God

January 1, 2021

Bible Promise of joy for the New Year


Nehemiah 8:10 – “Let this day be holy unto the Lord! Let go of grief and sorrow because the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Heavenly Father, You created our emotions, so You know we cannot help how we feel! You know our moods and mind-sets swing. You gave us emotions as outlets or ways to let go, for You know that holding our feelings in or trying to bury them only makes an eruption likely at an unexpected moment or untimely time!


Help us to be honest with ourselves about our grief and sorrows. Help us to embrace our emotions as the outlets You intended, but let go of them and hang on to You in faith, believing You will work out everything for our good.  Oh, what joy that brings!


From Kneeling on the Promises of God – book of God’s promises from God’s Word followed by a prayer response by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2019


November 23, 2020

Give thanks for God’s gifts!

 Matthew 7:11 – Jesus promised, “If you imperfect people know how to give good gifts to your children, don’t you think your Father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask?”


Lord, if we’ve ever thought of You as anything but loving, fair, merciful, and kind, we don’t know You very well! Forgive us, Heavenly Father, for thinking the worst of You when, like demanding children, we don’t get what we want when we want it!


Praise You, Heavenly Father, for being The One pure, holy, and true parent on Whom we depend.


Even if we complain, we thank You, Lord, for not rewarding bad behavior. Thank You for giving Your “Amen!” to every prayer we pray that’s based on Your promises, Your word. Praise You for giving us Your Holy Spirit if we just ask. Fill us with You, Lord. Keep us filled.


Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2020, from Kneeling on the Promises of God – a book of Bible promises researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased with relevant prayers following. If the book blesses you or those to whom you give a copy, positive reviews would greatly help to pass on the blessings! Thank you.



In the Amen of Jesus

  2 Corinthians 1:20 – “In Christ, every promise of God finds its ‘Yes!’ And also through Him is our ‘Amen!’ for the glory of God through us...