Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

April 14, 2022

Jesus prays for us


As Jesus faced the certainty of the cross, He prayed for us!

John 17:10-19 – a prayer of Jesus


Holy Father, all I have belongs to You,

and all You have is mine.

The people You gave Me

have given Me glory.

I won’t be in the world much longer,

but they will be in the world

as I come back to You.

Holy Father, keep them safe

by the power of Your Name –

the Name You gave to Me,  

so their unity may be like Ours.


While I’ve been with them, I’ve kept them safe

by the power of Your Name – the Name You

gave to Me. I watched over them, and none,

but one, became lost, showing scripture true.

But now, Father, I’m returning to You, and I

say these things while I’m still in the world,

so they will have the same joy We have.


I have given them Your message, but the world

now hates them because, like Me, they don’t fit

into the ways of the world.

I’m not asking You to take them out of the world

but to protect them from the evil one, for they

do not belong to the world any more than I do.


Let Your truth make them holy,

for Your words are truth.

I’ve sent them into the world as You sent me.

And so, for their sake, I dedicate Myself – I

consecrate and sanctify Myself – so they, too,

will be sanctified, consecrated, and dedicated

to the truth in You.

from The Book of Bible Prayers

December 29, 2021

Jesus teaches us how to pray

Many Christians regularly pray the Lord’s Prayer or Our Father, and many churches include Jesus’ prayer in Sunday services, daily mass, or other times of worship. Throughout the week, however, and throughout the year, we can use this beautiful prayer “as is” or as an outline for whoever or whatever God brings to mind as we pray each phrase or line.

The prayer most often memorized or recited comes from the Gospel of Matthew, but Luke recorded the following version:

Luke 11:2-4 – a prayer of Jesus
from the King James Version of the Bible

And (Jesus) said unto them,
When ye pray, say,

Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
as in heaven, so in earth.

Give us day by day our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins;
for we also forgive every one
that is indebted to us.

And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.

From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Sayler


Luke 11:2-4 – a prayer of Jesus
paraphrased into contemporary English

Father in heaven,
may Your Name
be kept holy among us.

Bring us into Your kingdom. 

Give us bread for the day.

Forgive us
as we forgive those who
have wronged us.

Keep us from temptation.

Deliver us
from a time of hard trials.

From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Sayler


Have a blessed New Year!


© 2021-2022, Mary Sayler


December 19, 2021

The prophetic prayer of Simeon

In Exodus 2:2 and again in verse 12, the Lord God told His people to dedicate every firstborn male to Him. As devout Jews, who followed God’s instructions, Mary and Joseph presented the Baby Jesus in the Temple.

As God-incidence would have it, an elderly man named Simeon arrived at just the right moment to greet the young family. Simeon had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Messiah, Whom the Holy Spirit had assured him that he would live to see.

Taking the newborn into his arms, Simeon knew this was The One he’d been waiting for, and so he praised God and prayed a prayer that astonished the Baby’s parents:


Luke 2:29-32 – the prophetic prayer of Simeon
as translated in the King James Version of the Bible

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant

depart in peace, according to thy word:

For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

Which thou hast prepared

before the face of all people;

A light to lighten the Gentiles,

and the glory of thy people Israel.

From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Sayler


Luke 2:29-32 – the prophetic prayer of Simeon
as paraphrased into contemporary English

And now, Lord, Your bond-servant

can go in peace,

for You have kept Your word,

and my eyes have witnessed Your

salvation –

the salvation You prepared

in the presence of all nations –

the Light You revealed to everyone,

the glory You have with Your people.

From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Sayler


As we approach Christmas week, may the Light of Christ be born anew in us as we praise the Lord God and thank Him for the wonderful gift of His Son. Amen.


October 21, 2021

Praying for Mercy, Praying to See


When two blind men approached Jesus for healing, the people around Him criticized them and tried to shoo them away. Despite this ill treatment by others, the men kept calling out to the Lord – not for sight but for mercy. 

No wonder! If the reaction of the crowd was typical of the way these men were usually treated, their suffering and rejection by others might have felt worse than their blindness.


Reading the story in the King James Version below, Jesus’ response seems odd and unexpected. i.e., He doesn’t go to the blind men. He stands still and calls them to Him.


Jesus calls and gives us the choice to follow.


Although obvious to everyone, Jesus did not presume the men wanted to see. Remember? They had prayed only for mercy. So the Lord called them to Him. The Lord waited for them. Then Jesus asked them what they wanted to ask Him.


Matthew 20:30-33

from the King James Version


And, behold, two blind men

sitting by the way side,

when they heard

that Jesus passed by,

cried out, saying,


Have mercy on us,

O Lord, thou son of David.


And the multitude rebuked them,

because they should hold their peace:

but they cried the more, saying,


Have mercy on us,

O Lord, thou son of David.


And Jesus stood still, and called them,

and said,


What will ye

that I shall do unto you?


They say unto him,

Lord, that our eyes

may be opened.


From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Sayler



Matthew 20:31b-33



Lord, Son of David,

have mercy on us!


Lord, Son of David,

have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus,

we want to see.


From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Sayler


Having the Lord Himself ask us to tell Him what we want shows His compassion, grace, and mercy! And so, we ask:



Dear Lord God, help us to receive Your mercy and see more clearly in Jesus’ Name.



September 18, 2021

Jesus thanks God for wisdom in childlike people


Have you ever known humble, childlike people who have uncanny insights? I have. For example, a Christian I’ve known for years has a learning disability but has often expressed unusual insight into God’s Word. Another believer in Christ lacks social skills yet hears angels praying. I’ve seen a gift of wisdom in preschoolers, too, and in a person slipping deeper and deeper into dementia. This prayer shows Jesus knows what I mean:


Matthew 11:25-26 – a prayer of Jesus


At that time Jesus answered and said,

I thank thee, O Father,

Lord of heaven and earth,

because thou hast hid these things

from the wise and prudent,

and hast revealed them unto babes.

Even so, Father: for so it seemed

good in thy sight.


From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Harwell Sayler



Matthew 11:25-26 – a prayer of Jesus


O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,

thank You for hiding Your wisdom

from those who think

they’re clever and wise  

but revealing Your insights

to childlike people.

Yes, Father!

What pleasure this brings!


From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Harwell Sayler


August 31, 2021

A Bible Prayer to keep us afloat


As floods and overwhelming circumstances threaten to do us in, this Bible prayer from Jesus’ followers is here for us to pray today.


Matthew 8:25 – a prayer of Jesus’ followers
from the King James Version of the Bible:


And (Jesus’) disciples came to him,
and awoke him, saying,

save us:

we perish.


From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Harwell Sayler


Matthew 8:25 – a prayer of Jesus’ followers,
Paraphrased in contemporary language:


Save us! 

Do not let us


From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Harwell Sayler




July 22, 2021

Prayer without borders


Oppressed during the time of Jesus, the people of Jerusalem held Roman soldiers in fear and/or contempt. Yet Jesus marveled over the faith of a Roman officer who came to Him on behalf of a servant who was ill.


Not only did the centurion ask a Jewish man for healing, this leader understood that God’s power extended far beyond the tassels bordering the hem of Jesus’ garment.


Matthew 8:8 – a prayer of a Roman officer
paraphrased into contemporary English

Lord, I am not worthy
to have You come under my roof, 

but speak only a word,
and healing will happen!

From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Harwell Sayler


Matthew 8:8 – a prayer of a Roman officer
from the King James Version of the Bible

The centurion answered and said, 

Lord, I am not worthy
that thou shouldest come
under my roof:
but speak the word only,
and my servant shall be healed.

From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Harwell Sayler


Lord Jesus, help us to know Your healing power extends to us even now from heaven to earth. In Your Name we pray.


©2021, Mary Sayler



April 22, 2021

Praying for boldness


As the early church faced persecution, Jesus’ followers could have asked to be spared suffering or harm to themselves, but they did not. Instead, this Bible prayer from Acts shows the first Christian asking for boldness to speak God’s Word and bring the good news of Christ the Savior to people everywhere. May we, too, pray to be bold in ministering healing and making peace in Jesus' Name.


Acts 4:29-30 – a prayer of Jesus’ followers

from the King James Version


And now, Lord,

behold their threatenings:

and grant unto thy servants,

that with all boldness

they may speak thy word,

By stretching forth thine hand

to heal; and that signs

and wonders may be done

by the name of thy holy child Jesus.


From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2019 


Acts 4:29-30 – a prayer of Jesus’ followers

in contemporary English


Lord, can You hear how

they’re threatening us?


Please help us to speak Your word

with courage, Lord.


Show Your power!


Bring healing!


Perform miracles for us!


Amaze everyone with the authority

found in Jesus’ Name.


From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2019.

April 2, 2021

Good Friday prayer of Jesus


On Good Friday, Jesus the Son of God nailed our sins to the cross.  

Only a few days earlier, throngs of people had sung His praises and thrown down palm branches to ease His ride into Jerusalem. But now, crowds gathered to jeer at Him as He hung between criminals in the worse kind of torture – crucifixion.

Just to breathe, Jesus had to lift Himself up, thrusting His weight into the nails that held His hands against the hard wood while dragging His flesh further into the nails that fastened His feet.

And yet….

As the people railed against Him, hurling every kind of insult, and dogs snapped at His feet, and breathing itself became a torture, Jesus used these final moments to pray His last Amen on our behalf:

Luke 23:34 – a prayer of Jesus
from the King James Version (KJV)

Then said Jesus,

forgive them;

for they know not
what they do.

From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2019 

Luke 23:34 – a prayer of Jesus
in contemporary English

forgive them!

They don’t know
what they’re doing. 


From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2019.





November 23, 2020

Give thanks for God’s gifts!

 Matthew 7:11 – Jesus promised, “If you imperfect people know how to give good gifts to your children, don’t you think your Father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask?”


Lord, if we’ve ever thought of You as anything but loving, fair, merciful, and kind, we don’t know You very well! Forgive us, Heavenly Father, for thinking the worst of You when, like demanding children, we don’t get what we want when we want it!


Praise You, Heavenly Father, for being The One pure, holy, and true parent on Whom we depend.


Even if we complain, we thank You, Lord, for not rewarding bad behavior. Thank You for giving Your “Amen!” to every prayer we pray that’s based on Your promises, Your word. Praise You for giving us Your Holy Spirit if we just ask. Fill us with You, Lord. Keep us filled.


Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2020, from Kneeling on the Promises of God – a book of Bible promises researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased with relevant prayers following. If the book blesses you or those to whom you give a copy, positive reviews would greatly help to pass on the blessings! Thank you.



March 2, 2020

Moses confronts God in prayer

As the Lenten season leads us to Easter, our times of seeking God can lead us to repentance. But undoubtedly we mean our need to repent, not God’s!

Moses had other thoughts. His honesty, faith, and daring placed him face-to-face with God – a position which can also lead to confrontation!

Exodus 32:11-13 – King James Version

And Moses besought the Lord his God,
and said, Lord, why doth thy wrath wax hot
against thy people, which thou hast
brought forth out of the land of Egypt
with great power, and with a mighty hand?

Wherefore should the Egyptians speak,
and say, For mischief did he bring them out,
to slay them in the mountains, and to consume
them from the face of the earth?

Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent
of this evil against thy people.

Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,
thy servants, to whom thou swarest
by thine own self, and saidst unto them,
I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven,
and all this land that I have spoken of will I give
unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for ever.

From the Book of KJV Prayers - actual prayers from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) collected by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2019 

Exodus 32:11-13 – paraphrased

O, Lord, why are You so angry
with Your people – the very ones
You rescued with such great power?

After displaying Your mighty force,
do You really want everyone
to think You brought us here 
to strike us dead?

Please do not bring disaster!
Remember Your faithful servants
who have gone before us –
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob –
and how You promised them
countless descendants
more numerous than stars.

From the Book of Bible Prayersactual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations and paraphrased by nullMary Harwell Sayler, ©2019

As Christians, we’re also to be honest with God and express our faith, knowing Jesus is beside us, ready to help.

“For there is one God, and there is one Mediator for all people – Jesus Christ,” 1 Timothy 2:5.

“Jesus Christ has negotiated a new covenant between God and us,” Hebrews 9:15.

Throughout Lent and beyond, may we always feel free to approach the Lord with what troubles us – no matter what!

In the Amen of Jesus

  2 Corinthians 1:20 – “In Christ, every promise of God finds its ‘Yes!’ And also through Him is our ‘Amen!’ for the glory of God through us...