Showing posts with label praying with Psalms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label praying with Psalms. Show all posts

July 23, 2022

Psalm 85:1-8 – a prayer of the family of Korah

What blessings You pour on Your land, O Lord!

You restored the fortunes of Your people
and forgave their guilt. Yes, You covered all
their sins. You withdrew wrath and fierce fury.
Now restore us again, O God of our salvation.
Put aside Your anger toward us. 

Will You be mad at us forever?
Will Your anger affect future generations?
Or will You revive us, so Your people
can again rejoice in You?

Show us Your ongoing love, O Lord.
Grant us Your salvation.

Help us to listen
carefully to what You say,
for You, Lord, speak peace to faithful people.


From the Book of Bible Prayers – actual prayers of the Bible collected from a variety of translations researched on Bible Gateway then paraphrased into everyday English by Mary Sayler

January 23, 2017

Praying for the media with Psalm 12

As you read Psalm 12, keep the media in mind and prayer. Perhaps our complaints about them and our prayers for them might help them to see the tremendous power they have for good, for healing, and for unity in this country and around the world.

Help, LORD!
Have godly people gone?
Have the faithful disappeared
from the human race?

Who’s lying now? Slick speech
and double-mindedness
make it hard to tell.

LORD, please put a stop to slick talk!
Shut boastful mouths who have said,
“We can say what we like!
Who will stop us?”

LORD, You know how
poor people have been oppressed,
and needy people
from every race and culture

Help us to stand up for them!
And, please, LORD, provide the help
they’re gasping to get!

Only Your promises
have no self-serving motives.
Your Word is like silver
purified seven times.

You, O LORD, will protect us from all ills.
You will guard us from all jadedness,
even while wickedness struts about,
and people keep lifting up the evils
in the land.

Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2017, prayer-a-phrased Psalm 12, using many of the translations found on Bible Gateway.

January 17, 2017

Praying with Psalm 11

LORD, I choose to hide myself in You.

Some might say, “Fly like a bird
to the mountains to escape
the bow and evil arrows
ready to shoot in the dark
the upright in heart.
If our foundations
collapse, then what could
a good person do?”

LORD, from Your holy temple –
from Your holy throne in heaven,
surely Your eyes see! Surely
You lift Your eyelids to see
how people are acting, LORD.
You examine each action, but
Your soul hates wicked ways
and violence.

Someday You’ll rain coals of fire
on all evil and fill the cups
of Your enemies with nothing
but a scorching wind!

You alone are righteous, LORD,
and You love what’s done right.
May decent, honest people
see Your face

Psalm 11 prayer-a-phrased by Mary Sayler, using many of the translations found on Bible Gateway, ©2017.

January 9, 2017

Praying with Psalm 10

LORD, why does it feel like You’re so far away?
Why do I have trouble finding You in my troubles?

I could go on and on about how
wicked ways seem to prosper,
and helpless people get crushed,
but I know You know.

O LORD, arise! Lift Your hand to help!
The wicked think You won’t,
but I know You see and note wrongdoings.
Take them in hand!

Helpless ones commit themselves to You.
Don’t leave us Fatherless!
Break the hold of evil on us, and call
us into account for anything not of You
until You find nothing ill in us.

LORD, be our King forever
for people and nations perish without You.

Hear our desires, O LORD.
Strengthen our hearts.
Incline Your ear to us and do justice
to those who feel oppressed
and Fatherless without You.
Let no one on earth strike us
with terror.

prayer-a-phrased by Mary Harwell Sayler, © 2017

December 13, 2016

Praying Psalm 7

NOTE: The first half of Psalm 7 prays for God’s rescue from adversaries, which, as Christians, we might think of as the nemesis or archenemy of Christ.

O LORD my God, I want to run and hide
inside You!
Save me! Deliver me from ill will
ready to rip my soul apart like a hungry lion,
tearing it to pieces before help arrives.

O LORD my God, if I have done something wrong
or used my hands for a poor purpose –
if I have repaid good will with ill will
or taken something without cause,
then let me be overtaken!
Let my life be trampled to the ground.
Cover my glory in dust.

Arise, O LORD, with wrath
against the fury of the enemy.
Awake and give Your judgment.
Let Your people gather around You.
Rule us from on high.

Psalm 7:1-7, prayer-a-phrased by Mary Sayler, ©2016, after studying scriptures from the many translations found on Bible Gateway


December 12, 2016

Praying with Psalm 6

O LORD, please don’t scold me when You’re angry
or discipline me in fury.
Have mercy, LORD, for I am suffering.
Heal my trembling, troubled bones.
Even my soul feels shaky!
O how long, LORD, will this go on?

Turn back to me, LORD, and rescue me
with Your unfailing love.
It’s hard to remember You
when I feel dead inside.
How can I lift Your Name in praise, LORD,
when grave worries weigh me down?

My sighs tire me. My sobs wear me out!
My pillow swabs my face.
Grief blurs my vision.
My eyes ache with distress.

Get away from me, you evil thoughts!

The LORD hears my cries.
The LORD listens!
The LORD answers all my prayers.

prayer-a-phrased by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2016, with scriptures from many translations on Bible Gateway

December 6, 2016

Praying with Psalm 5

Hear my words, O Lord!
Listen to me sigh.
Attend to the sound of my cries,
my King and my God,
for to You do I pray.

In the morning, You hear my voice.
In the morning, I lay my pleas before You
and expectantly await Your answer.

O God, You do not delight in wickedness.
Nothing evil can live in You.

Arrogant people won’t be close to You.
You hate all wrongdoing.
Your truth destroys all lies.
You despise violence and deceit.

But because of Your overflowing love
and kindness, I can enter Your house
to worship You in the sanctuary.

Oh, Lord, I need You to lead me
or my foes and failures will overtake me!
Make Your way clear and obvious.

Let all foul talk, lying mouths, and
flattering tongues be silenced
and driven away
for such sins show
rebellion against You.

But let all who take refuge in You
be glad. Let them celebrate
and sing Your praises.

Spread Your protection
over all who love Your name.
For You bless the righteous, O Lord.
You shield them with Your favor.

prayer-a-phrased by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2016, with scriptures from many translations on Bible Gateway

November 29, 2016

Praying with Psalm 4

Answer us when we call,
O God of our salvation!
Free us from these pressures
and distress!

Show us mercy.
Hear our prayer.

People! People!
How long will our hearts be hard?
How long will we love what is worthless
or chase after lies?

Know this: the Lord takes care
of the faithful.
The Lord God hears our cries.

We can be angry
without sinning.
We can take a rest and really
think about what’s troubling us.
We can do what’s right –
even when it’s hard --
and place ourselves
in God’s hands.

Many say, “I want to see
better times. I want the light
of God’s face to shine.”
But God has filled us
with more gladness
than we’ll ever get
from food and wine.

When we lie down,
we can sleep peacefully,
for You alone, O God
help us to rest in safety.

prayer-a-phrased by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2016, with scriptures from many translations on Bible Gateway

September 8, 2014

Prayer in time of trouble

O Lord, turn Your ear toward me
and hear me please
for I feel poor and pitiful
with none to trust
but You.

Keep my soul safe, O God,
for I am faithful.

Save me to serve You.

Answer my all-day call
with Your grace and mercy.

To You I lift my mind,
my will, my spirit,
and You raise my soul on high!

For You are kind
and eager to forgive
all who call on You.

O Lord, I give You
the voice of my plea
for You will hear
and answer.

©2014, Mary Harwell Sayler studied several translations of Psalm 86:1-7 on Bible Gateway before writing the above prayer-a-phrased poem.

September 30, 2013

Soul prayer

Bless the LORD, O my soul!
May all that is within me
bless Your holy Name.

Bless the LORD, O my soul.
May I not forget
God’s benefits.

For the LORD
forgives all my sins
and heals all my infirmities.

God redeems my life from death
and covers me with mercy
and loving-kindness.

The LORD satisfies me
with good things
and renews my youth
like an eagle’s.

Bless the LORD, O my soul.
Bless the LORD.

©2013, Mary Harwell Sayler, prayer-a-phrase of my favorite Psalm 103 from today’s Daily Bible Readings

In the Amen of Jesus

  2 Corinthians 1:20 – “In Christ, every promise of God finds its ‘Yes!’ And also through Him is our ‘Amen!’ for the glory of God through us...