Showing posts with label Bible Prayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible Prayers. Show all posts

November 1, 2019

Prayers of Abraham

When God called to him, Abraham heard and responded, “Here I am, Lord.”  When God asked him to intercede for a man he had wronged, Abraham obeyed.

This patriarch of God’s people is lauded as an example of true faith and closeness to God, but few of his actual prayers have been recorded.

Genesis 15:2

O Lord God, what will You give me?
Will I need an inheritance
if I have no child?

Genesis 17:18

Oh, that my child
might live in Your
presence, Lord,
and be under Your

Genesis 18:23, 32

Lord, would You really sweep away
the righteous with the wicked?

What if ten honorable people
are found?

And God answered:

For the sake of ten,
I will not destroy the town.

Paraphrased by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2019, in  the Book of Bible Prayers.

October 18, 2019

The blessing of Melchizedek - a blessing also for you!

In collecting prayers for the Book of Bible Prayers, I focused on actual prayers prayed by real people who lived in Bible times – people who pleaded, whined, praised, asked, expressed thanks, cried real tears, complained to God, and interceded for others – just as we do today!

According to early chapters of Genesis, people began to call on the Lord a couple of generations after Adam and Eve, but (maybe because they couldn’t write yet!) we don’t know what the actual words were. (Probably, “God, help!") Those references to prayer have generally been omitted, and so have most of the many, many blessings that laud God but don’t talk directly with or to the Lord.

A few blessed exceptions have been paraphrased as blessings that speak to God rather than about Him (for example, the high priestly prayer of Aaron.) However, in the case of Melchizedek, the king-priest’s words to Abraham remain as the first recorded blessing, appropriately beginning the Book of Bible Prayers.

Genesis 14:19-20 – the blessing of Melchizedek

May you be blessed by God most High,
maker of heaven and earth.

May you be blessed by God most High,
Who has delivered you from the hands
of those who wish you harm.

Prayerfully paraphrased by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2019, for the Book of Bible Prayers – a single volume for you to pray with “prayer partners” among God’s people, regardless of the hour, day, or year! If the book blesses you, please say so in an Amazon review. If not, please write me personally and tell me! Either way, thank you. God bless.

September 24, 2019

Bible Prayers: forgive us

Almost every church family prays the Matthew 6 version of the “Lord’s Prayer” aka “Our Father” with regularity, unity and only one notable difference. i.e., When we get to verse 12, some say, “Forgive us our sins,” while others pray, “Forgive us our trespasses” – a word that doesn’t appear in the prayer itself but in the next two verses.

I like that word choice, however, because, from childhood on, I’ve seen “No Trespassing” signs and understood what they meant. Conversely, the idea of a debt wasn’t clear until much later, and, even now, “sin” is an abstract word that’s hard to envision, difficult to clarify, and open to interpretation.

As prayers for the Book of Bible Prayers came together, they remained in the order they appear in most translations. Then, each of those prayers was paraphrased into every day language with one exception – the Matthew 6 version of Jesus’ prayer as recorded in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible:

Matthew 6:9-13 – a prayer of Jesus

“Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever. Amen.”   

In King James' day, a "debt" may have been a particularly big deal as people sometimes wound up in debtors prison! 

Besides the beautifully poetic and powerful lines in Matthew 6, a lesser known version of the Lord’s Prayer has been paraphrased below as it appears in the prayer book but can be easily found in your favorite translation of the Gospel of Luke:

Luke 11:2-4 – a prayer of Jesus

Father in heaven,
may Your Name
be kept holy among us.

Bring us into Your kingdom.

Give us bread for the day.

Forgive us
as we forgive those who
have wronged us.

Keep us from temptation.

Deliver us
from a time of hard trials.


MarySayler, ©2019

September 20, 2019

NEW! the Book of Bible Prayers

After decades of researching what the Bible has to say about prayer and buying a bunch of prayer books that weren’t quite what I wanted, I felt led to collect the actual prayers in the Bible then prayer-a-phrase (prayerfully paraphrase) them into THE prayer book I personally want and need. If you do, too, you’ll be happy to know the Book of Bible Prayers is now available on Amazon.

With the gathering of these prayers, I saw things I’d never before noticed. As the Foreword notes, for example, “The prayers in the Hebrew scriptures (aka Old Testament) are frequently pleas, praise, thanksgiving, complaints, and petitions, but in the New Testament such requests or responses are less likely to occur. Instead, Paul and other apostles typically ask believers in Christ to pray for them. Or, more often, they offer parental blessings over the Christian communities they’re addressing. Similar to the priestly blessing of Aaron in Numbers 6, these New Testament blessings are directed toward the people rather than God, but I felt I would be remiss to exclude all of them, so a few of those blessings have been prayer-a-phrased as prayers."

An exception is the prayer of Melchizedek, which remains the blessing given over Abraham and now over us!

“May you be blessed by God most High,
maker of heaven and earth.

May you be blessed by God most High,
Who has delivered you from the hands
of those who wish you harm,”

Genesis 14:19-20.

That blessing also brought another surprise: i.e., It’s the first prayer-blessing recorded. Prior to that, we had God’s blessings over all creation in Genesis, and by the time of Adam and Eve’s grandson, we hear how “All people began to call on the Name of the Lord.” But it’s the actual prayers spoken to God that bring us this prayer book.

Lord willing, I’ll post a prayer from the book with some regularity on this site with the hope and prayer the Book of Bible Prayers will bring unity to the Body of Christ and more power to your prayer life and mine.

October 12, 2017

Praying for enemies and other meanies

In Matthew 5:43-44, Jesus taught His followers a different way of looking at things and responding to other people. As He told us, You have heard it said, `You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies. Bless those who curse you. Do good to those who hate you and pray for those who use you or mistreat you, spitefully.

Thank God, Jesus commanded us to pray for our enemies and love them without demanding something as humanly impossible as liking them!

From a biblical perspective, love has little to do with preferring people to whom we fondly respond. Instead godly love calls for upright actions whereby we act with kindness and consideration for the well-being of others, including unsavory characters and people we dislike.

Wanting to please and obey God would be reason enough for us to love our enemies, but God might have more in mind. For example, loving our adversaries can disarm them, calm them, heal them, and help them to hear what we have to say about our forgiving Father and His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Even though earthly foes might bully or people abuse, our prayers promptly propel our enemies into a spiritual realm protected by the power of Almighty God. Think of it! What blessings, what spiritual awakening, what new hope of reconciliation could our loving prayers bring to the most unlovable people?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father of All, forgive us for wishing anyone ill! Help us to convey Your love to everyone with whom we have contact. Give us Your words of blessing, especially to our families, other Christians, and church leaders, but also to those who wish us ill or, worse, who malign You. Protect us, Lord. Help us to do what’s best from Your perspective and become excellent examples of Your forgiving love in Jesus’ Name.

Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2017, from her new book, What the Bible Says About Love


December 13, 2016

Praying Psalm 7

NOTE: The first half of Psalm 7 prays for God’s rescue from adversaries, which, as Christians, we might think of as the nemesis or archenemy of Christ.

O LORD my God, I want to run and hide
inside You!
Save me! Deliver me from ill will
ready to rip my soul apart like a hungry lion,
tearing it to pieces before help arrives.

O LORD my God, if I have done something wrong
or used my hands for a poor purpose –
if I have repaid good will with ill will
or taken something without cause,
then let me be overtaken!
Let my life be trampled to the ground.
Cover my glory in dust.

Arise, O LORD, with wrath
against the fury of the enemy.
Awake and give Your judgment.
Let Your people gather around You.
Rule us from on high.

Psalm 7:1-7, prayer-a-phrased by Mary Sayler, ©2016, after studying scriptures from the many translations found on Bible Gateway


December 12, 2016

Praying with Psalm 6

O LORD, please don’t scold me when You’re angry
or discipline me in fury.
Have mercy, LORD, for I am suffering.
Heal my trembling, troubled bones.
Even my soul feels shaky!
O how long, LORD, will this go on?

Turn back to me, LORD, and rescue me
with Your unfailing love.
It’s hard to remember You
when I feel dead inside.
How can I lift Your Name in praise, LORD,
when grave worries weigh me down?

My sighs tire me. My sobs wear me out!
My pillow swabs my face.
Grief blurs my vision.
My eyes ache with distress.

Get away from me, you evil thoughts!

The LORD hears my cries.
The LORD listens!
The LORD answers all my prayers.

prayer-a-phrased by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2016, with scriptures from many translations on Bible Gateway

November 29, 2016

Praying with Psalm 4

Answer us when we call,
O God of our salvation!
Free us from these pressures
and distress!

Show us mercy.
Hear our prayer.

People! People!
How long will our hearts be hard?
How long will we love what is worthless
or chase after lies?

Know this: the Lord takes care
of the faithful.
The Lord God hears our cries.

We can be angry
without sinning.
We can take a rest and really
think about what’s troubling us.
We can do what’s right –
even when it’s hard --
and place ourselves
in God’s hands.

Many say, “I want to see
better times. I want the light
of God’s face to shine.”
But God has filled us
with more gladness
than we’ll ever get
from food and wine.

When we lie down,
we can sleep peacefully,
for You alone, O God
help us to rest in safety.

prayer-a-phrased by Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2016, with scriptures from many translations on Bible Gateway

July 6, 2015

Healing words of Jesus

Mark Five: Red Letter Edition
by Mary Harwell Sayler

Come out, come out
wherever you are!
What is your name?

Go home to your friends
and tell them the things

the merciful things –
the Lord has done.

Who touched My clothes?
You've touched the Son!
Now go, touched in peace.
You have been healed.

You have been healed
of all your fears.
Just trust in Me.

Why are you weeping?
Why do you cry?
The child isn't dead.
She's only sleeping.

Get up, little girl!
Go out in the world.
Go out and become
a young child again.

©2011, 2014, 2015, Mary Harwell Sayler, all rights reserved. The poem originally appeared in Catholic Lane, Summer 2011.

June 4, 2013

Bible Prayers, then and now

The prayers recorded in the Bible help us to:

form our prayer life
in-form our faith
re-form or revise our thinking on spiritual matters

More importantly, Bible prayers can re-unite the Body of Christ and empower us as we agree in prayer, claiming Holy Scriptures and praying Bible prayers for people, places, and events around the world.

Our churches, families, and communities need this prayer power too, and so do we – as individuals facing discouragement or hardships of some kind. So, Lord willing, we’ll resume our search of biblical prayers – from Genesis to Revelation but also as the Holy Spirit leads us into prayers found in the Daily Bible Readings.

May God bless us, guide us, and give us the prayers to pray in Jesus’ Name.

©2013, Mary Harwell Sayler


March 14, 2013

The Holy Spirit prays for us!

“Likewise the Spirit also helps our weakness for we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit makes intercession for us with sighs too deep for words. And God who searches the heart knows the mind of the Spirit, who makes intercession for the people of God according to God’s will,”
Romans 8:26-27

Holy Partner in Prayer
by Mary Harwell Sayler

When our hopes recede
and faith weakens,
and we do not even know
how to pray as we ought,
the Holy Spirit
intercedes for us
with sighs too deep for words.

And God,
Who searches our hearts
and minds, finds
the very prayers heard
to align with God’s Own will
when the Holy Spirit
prays for us – right then –
and is praying still.

© 2013, Mary Sayler, all rights reserved, prayer-a-phrase poem of Romans 8:26-27


January 8, 2013

A parent prays for a child's healing

Background: Jesus came to Cana, the area in Galilee where He had previously attended a wedding and, at His mother’s request, changed water into wine. Meanwhile, in Capernaum the son of a royal official had neared the point of death when the father came to Jesus with this request, a prayer:

Lord, please be with my child
before he dies!

The Lord answered this prayer, saying the child would live, and the man believed Jesus. Obeying the Lord’s instructions to go home, the royal official met his servants along the way who told him the child had begun to recover – at the very hour Jesus had said, “Your son will live.”

©2013, Mary Sayler, prayer-a-phrase from John 4:46-54


January 1, 2013

New Year begins with God’s Blessing

The Daily Bible Reading starts the New Year with the prayer the Lord gave (and still gives!) leaders to pray over the people of God, blessing them and us with God’s shine.

The LORD spoke to Moses,

Speak to the leaders
and say,

Let this be the way
you bless My people, saying:

May the LORD bless you and keep you.

May the LORD cause His face
on you

to shine.

May the LORD be gracious
to you,

and lift you

into the image of God
and give you peace.


In this way, the leaders
may bless the people of God
with the Name of God,

and on each of them
the LORD’s own
“God bless” will rest.


© 2013, Mary Harwell Sayler, prayer-a-phrased poem from Numbers 6:22-27


December 27, 2012

Praying for the glory of God

“Then Moses prayed, ‘Show me Your glory,’

“and the LORD replied:
‘I will bring My goodness before you,
and I will give you My Name, The LORD,
and I will
show grace and mercy
on whom grace and mercy will show,
but you cannot face Me fully now
(and still stand to live on earth.)

“And the LORD continued, ‘See!
Beside Me
you have a sure place
to stand,
and as My glory goes before you,
I will keep you safe
in the cleft of the rock,
and I will guard and shield you
with My hand.”

© 2012, Mary Harwell Sayler, Bible prayer-a-phrase, Exodus 33:18-22

October 22, 2012

Taking a new tack with Bible Prayers

Psalms 126 provides a timely theme followed by Questions for discussion in your Bible study group or use in your private devotions.

“When the Lord returned us to Jerusalem, we were like those who dream. Our mouths filled with laughter, and our tongues with singing until even the heathens said, ‘The Lord has done great things for them!’

“Yes! The Lord has done great things for us, and, oh, we are so glad!

“Please restore us now, Lord, as You restore a dry desert with water. Let those who sow in tears reap in joy. Let those who go forth, weeping as they sow, come again rejoining, bringing in the sheaves.”
(Psalm 126)

Questions: Do you ever feel as though you’re held in bondage to something or someone? In what ways has God freed you from captivity?

Personal Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for freeing me from sin in the power of the risen Christ and for restoring my relationship with You in Jesus’ Name.


© 2012, Mary Harwell Sayler, all rights reserved, but pass it on!


March 23, 2012

God calls Moses to answer the prayers of the people

Background: In Egypt the Hebrew people groaned to God, praying for a savior from slavery. They did not know that God had been preparing Moses for that job ever since his birth. But then, neither did Moses!

From the start, Moses knew the love of godly parents in a godly home. In early childhood, he learned how to get around the palace of his adoptive grandfather, Pharaoh. He learned of the important political and cultural events in Egypt and experienced the academic excellence available to him as the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter.

Moses had surely seen how leaders lead, too, and, during his years of exile, he learned, as a shepherd, how to get wayward, frightened sheep to follow him through the desert terrain. What more could he possibly need?


Moses did not yet know that, but God did, and God took the responsibility of responding to Moses before Moses even knew to call on God. Amazing! But that’s how it often works.

So how did God get Moses’ attention? God set fire to a bush that kept on burning without burning up!

It worked. Moses turned to look – really look. And then God spoke.

“From the middle of the burning bush, God called, ‘Moses, Moses.’

“And Moses said, ‘Here am I’,” Exodus 3:4.

Questions: When God spoke to Moses, what were the very first words? Have you ever had the impression that God was calling you for a particular task? In what way does it matter that the Almighty God personally knows your name?

Prayer: LORD God, Heavenly Father of all and Creator of every good thing in me, thank You for knowing my name and everything else about me. Thank You for getting my attention and reminding me to talk with You throughout the day and during the night. Help me, Lord, to listen, hear, and obey You in carrying out the good work to which You have called me in Your Holy Name.

© 2012, Mary Harwell Sayler, all rights reserved. If your church or Bible study group wants to use these articles as a study guide, just let everyone know where to find the blog. For articles on a variety of Bible topics, see Blogs by Mary.


March 17, 2012

Joseph, Judah, and an unusual prayer

Background: Jacob (Israel) had one daughter and a dozen sons. Of the twelve, Joseph was clearly the favorite and everyone knew it, including Joseph. Eventually, the brothers got tired of his spying and tattling on them but were probably even wearier of being ignored and undervalued by a father prone toward favoritism.

The older brothers had had it with the little prince, whom their dad dressed in a colorful coat with long sleeves totally unsuitable for work! But, instead of killing the kid, as Cain would have done, they sold Joseph into slavery.

The familiar story begins in Genesis 37 and keeps going until Exodus while Joseph continues to have faith that God favored him. Not so with Judah, who winds up with two sons so wicked that God took them out of the family line!

After his wife also dies, Judah is seduced by a woman he thinks is a prostitute but is really the widow of both of his sons! In high contrast, the beloved Joseph refuses advances from his master’s wife, keeping his high moral standards and his faith, even though the decision got him thrown into jail!

Because of those choices, everybody knows about the moralism, wisdom, and strong faith of Joseph. Everybody clearly knows that God was with him as he rose to the top position of power in all of Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh. And, everyone knows, as Joseph did, that the providence of God had allowed events that led to his keeping his entire family from starving to death during a 7-year famine. In short, almost everyone on earth has heard of Joseph, while even devout Christians and Jews often look puzzled by the name of Judah.

So, what about Judah? Who was he? What was he like, and why should we care? No, he’s not the lost tribe of Israel, but he is important to us today because he is the forefather of Christians and Jews.

Genesis 38 and 43-49 will give you the primary source of information about Judah, but here’s my somewhat shortened version:

After selling Joseph into slavery, Judah “departed from his brothers” (Genesis 38:1) and moved into an area southwest of Bethlehem later called the land of Judah. This self-imposed parting from his family may indicate grief, guilt, or growing sense of right and wrong, centuries before the law of Moses. For example, after hearing that his long-widowed daughter-in-law was expecting a child, Judah proposed that she be burned to death! When, however, she identified herself as the woman assumed to be a prostitute, Judah admitted “she’s more righteous than I.”

That might not sound like a big deal today, but at the time, even Bible patriarchs were not apt to admit any wrongdoing of any kind. People were also not likely to be more concerned about other people as they were about themselves. Remember, for example, how Lot had been perfectly willing to throw his unwed daughters to the men of Sodom and Abraham to risk Sarah’s safety in order to protect his own.

Not Judah.

For the sake of his father and brother, Judah made a unique choice that foreshadows the redemption brought by his direct descendant, Jesus Christ. Judah offered to place his own life in jeopardy as surety for the safety of his youngest brother to keep his father from dying with grief.

As Genesis records this episode, “Judah came close to Joseph and said, ‘O, my lord, let your servant speak, I pray thee, a word in your ears, and let not your anger burn against me, for you are as Pharaoh himself,’ Genesis 44:18.

“And now, I pray thee, let me, your servant, remain with you as my lord’s slave in place of the boy, and let the boy go home with his brothers, for how could I possibly return to my father if the boy is not with me? No! Surely this would bring my father inconsolable grief and misery,” Genesis 44:33-34.

Question: What do you think of God’s choosing Judah over Joseph as the family line through whom the Son of God would come?

Prayer: Dear LORD God, Heavenly Father, thank You for knowing who to choose for the tasks You have given. Strengthen our faith, LORD. Help us to hear You, accept Your faith in us, and follow Your leading in whatever You want us to do for Your heavenly kingdom.


© 2012, Mary Sayler, all rights reserved


Jacobs wrestles an angel and becomes Israel

Background: When Jacob fled from home after wrestling his father’s blessing from Esau, he vowed to worship God if everything happened as promised. It did, of course, since God does not and cannot lie. However, many years went by before Jacob felt free to go home.

After the long journey began, God sent angels to greet Jacob. In turn, Jacob sent his servants to meet, greet, and make peace with his older twin brother Esau of whom he was greatly afraid (Genesis 32:7.) To protect himself and his family, Jacob divided the people and livestock into two camps, thinking that, if Esau destroyed one, the other would be able to escape. (Genesis 32:8.)

Then Jacob prayed: “O, LORD God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, You told me, ‘Return to your land and the place of your birth, and I will do well for you.’ But LORD, I am not worthy of the least of Your mercies or of Your truth which You have fulfilled for me, Your servant. With only my walking stick, I passed over the Jordan River, and now I’m going home with a household big enough to fill two camps! Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am greatly afraid he will come and kill my wives and children. But You promised to treat me kindly and multiply my descendants as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered,” Genesis 32:9-12.

The next morning, Jacob set aside livestock for his servants to give to Esau – one group after another – as a peace offering. When everyone had safely crossed over the river, Jacob alone remained in camp. As he tried to sleep, he wrestled all night with an angel of the Lord or man of God.

When the man saw he would not win the match, he wrestled Jacob’s hip out of its socket, then said, “Let me go for the dawn is breaking!”

“But Jacob said, ‘I won’t let you go unless you bless me’.”

“‘What is your name?’ the man asked.”

“‘Jacob,’ he replied.”

“‘Your name will no longer be Jacob. From now on you will be called Israel because you have wrestled with God and men and have won’.”
(Genesis 32:26-28.)

When Jacob then saw Esau coming with a large company of men, he fell to the ground as his brother came near. Esau ran to meet him with an enormous hug! Jacob blessed his brother, but the two soon parted – most likely relieved by each other’s response yet wary. When Jacob then found a field to buy, he pitched his tents and built an altar to call upon the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and, now, Israel.

Question: Do you expect God to keep His promises to you in person or in general? Do you expect the same from yourself and other people too? With whom or what do you wrestle?

Prayer: Almighty God and Heavenly Father of all, we praise You for being The One in Whom we can always put our total confidence and trust. Forgive us, Lord, for the times we have been wary of You and unforgiving of ourselves and others. Help us to talk to You about everything and to listen – especially as we toss and turn in sleep and in mind when it’s hard to make a decision or know what You would have us to do. Lead us, LORD, with Your Word and heavenly greetings as we come home to You.


© 2012, Mary Sayler, all rights reserved.



Blessing, vow, pledge, and promise

“Isaac called for Jacob, blessed him, and said, “Do not marry a Canaanite woman but hurry to the house of your grandfather in Paddan-aram and marry one of your uncle Laban’s daughters. May God Almighty bless you with many children, and may your descendants become many nations. May God pass on to you and your descendants the blessings promised to Abraham, and may you possess this land where you now live as a stranger, for God gave this land to Abraham,” Genesis 28:1-4.

After getting the family blessing he had deceptively wangled from his twin brother Esau, Jacob obeyed his father and set off on a journey of a few hundred lonely miles to find a wife.

And so, “Jacob left Beersheba and traveled toward Haran. Before sunset he arrived at a good place to stop for the night and set up camp. When he found a stone for a pillow, Jacob lay down to sleep, and as he slept, he dreamed of a ladder (or stairway) reaching from earth to heaven with angels of God going up and down. At the top of the ladder stood the LORD, Who said, ‘I Am the LORD, the God of your grandfather Abraham and the God of your father Isaac. The ground you are lying on now belongs to you. I Am giving it to you and your descendants, who will be as numerous as the dust of the earth. They will spread in all directions—to west and east, to north and south. And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. More importantly, I Am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. Someday I will bring you back to this land, but I will not leave you until I have given you everything I promised.’ Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the LORD is in this place‘," Genesis 28:10-16.

“The next morning Jacob got up early and carefully placed the stone pillow as a pillar to remind him where he had been visited by God. He then poured olive oil over the stone and named the place Bethel (meaning house of God) even though it had previously been called Luz. Then Jacob made this vow, ‘If God will indeed be with me and if He will protect me on my journey, and if He will provide me with food and clothing, and if I get safely back to my father’s home, then the LORD will be my God. And this memorial pillar I set up will become a place to worship God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything He gives me.” Genesis 28:18-22.

Even though Jacob deceived his father (at his mother’s suggestion!) he inherited the blessings God had promised Abraham. God honored this, too, by giving the young man a vision of heaven and by renewing the covenant He had made with Jacob’s family on earth.

As it’s been said, God has no grandchildren. And so, this vision let Jacob see that, like his father and grandfather, he, too, now had a direct relationship with God, even though his ambivalent response did not include worship but wariness.

Question: When you make a promise to God, does it contain contingencies or escape clauses as did the “if’s” of Jacob? Do you think Jacob showed lack of faith by delaying worship and acceptance of the LORD as his God? Or did he believe God meant exactly what He said? After all, God Himself had promised to stay with Jacob until He had fulfilled His promises, which then gave the young man plenty of time to decide!

Prayer: Dear LORD God Almighty, thank You for honoring Your promises whether we deserve such an honor or not! Thank You for Your faithfulness and devotion to us even when our faith ebbs and we put off devoting time to You. Forgive us our uncertainties about You, and help us to worship You in Spirit and in truth – forever but also right now.


© 2012, Mary Sayler, all rights reserved.


Getting very specific in prayer

Background: Long after Abraham prayed for God to favor Ishmael, he and his wife Sarah brought up their son Isaac to become the heir whom God had named. Sometime before the young man turned thirty, his mother died and was buried in a cave that Abraham had purchased at full price near Mamre (also known as Hebron) in the land of Canaan. Despite the family ties to that area, Abraham did not want his son to marry a Canaanite woman. He was so adamant in fact that he made his chief servant swear to go to Abraham’s homeland and find Isaac a wife among their own kin.

The servant gave no objection to the request but showed concern for the success of his mission. When he asked Abraham what to do if no woman wanted to come home with him to meet Isaac, his master said, “The LORD God of heaven will send an angel before you,” Genesis 24:7-8. Abraham further assured the man that, if God did not take care of everything, the chief servant would be released from his oath. The man promised to obey his master’s request, and then, with ten camels loaded with gifts, the servant set off in the right direction.

When he reached the town of Nahor, he made the camels kneel near water as he stood to pray:

“’O LORD, God of Abraham, grant me success and show Your kindness to my master. Here I am, standing beside this well where the young women of the town come to draw water. So when I ask someone to let down her jar to give me a drink and she says yes and offers to give water to the camels also, oh, let her be the one You have chosen! This will let me know, too, that You have favored my master with a wife for his son Isaac.’

“Before the servant had finished praying, Rebekah came out with a water jug on her shoulder,”
Genesis 24:12-15.

Questions: Does God ever answer our prayers before we even finish praying? Does God honor specific requests, especially if the answer enables us to do the very thing our Master wants?

Prayer: LORD God, sometimes I think I am the only master of my life! Forgive me, Lord, for treating You as my Servant, ready to do my bidding. Help me to keep my promises to You and anyone else to whom I have made a vow. Give me success, Lord, in obeying You and accomplishing everything You want me to do and be.


© 2012, Mary Sayler, all rights reserved.



In the Amen of Jesus

  2 Corinthians 1:20 – “In Christ, every promise of God finds its ‘Yes!’ And also through Him is our ‘Amen!’ for the glory of God through us...